You can now sell more electricity than you buy without having to pay a fee to the grid operator.

On July 1 this year, several changes were made to the Energy Act to make it more advantageous to produce and sell solar electricity to the grid. For example, by allowing electricity producers to sell more electricity than they buy without having to pay a fee to the grid company, but also by increasing the VAT threshold from the current SEK 30,000 per year to SEK 80,000 per year.

In particular, the changes allow micro-producers to sell more electricity than they buy per year without having to pay a fee to the grid operator. However, the maximum tax reduction for micro-producers is paid for the amount of electricity purchased during the year.

At the same time, the rules for VAT exemption were also changed, raising the limit to SEK 80,000 from SEK 30,000. This means that those owners of solar installations who have previously paid VAT due to sales of electricity and other sales exceeding SEK 30,000 can now be exempted as long as sales remain below SEK 80,000.

The following requirements apply from 1 July 2022 to avoid paying a fee for feeding electricity into the grid:
  • The electricity subscription should be a maximum of 63 A.
  • The power input to the grid shall be a maximum of 43,5 kW.
The following requirements apply to avoid paying a one-off charge to the network operator when connecting:
  • The electricity subscription should be a maximum of 63 A.
  • The power input to the grid shall be a maximum of 43,5 kW.
  • The power input to the grid shall be a maximum of the power purchase agreement.

Thus, for micro-producers who have a production hedge, i.e. a larger subscription for electricity input than output, network operators are entitled to charge a one-off connection fee. But they are not allowed to charge a recurring fee for input.

This means that it will become more interesting for micro-producers to fill their roofs with panels and build large photovoltaic installations. Depending on how high a connection cost the grid company charges for production hedging, it may thus become more interesting than today for small house owners to install production hedging.

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