Power limit raised and solar support reduced but extended

Today, September 14, the government released two brilliant news in the new autumn budget where they themselves say they want to “give solar power the best possible conditions”.

the 255 kW limit is increased to 500 kW

The main novelty is that the power limit currently set at 255kW is basically doubled to 500kW. On the government’s website you can read:
“The majority of renewable electricity produced in small installations at the same place where the electricity is consumed is already fully exempt from energy tax. The proposals include the extension of this exemption by raising the threshold for what constitutes a small installation and the total production capacity of a producer to qualify for the tax exemption. For example, for a solar electricity producer, this will mean that they can get a tax exemption as long as the production capacity is less than 500 kW. The tax exemption applies to the electricity consumed where it is produced.”

Jonas Helander, project development manager at EnergiEngagemang, comments on the news as follows:
– This is definitely a step in the right direction. Now more businesses, housing associations and farms will make the best use of their roofs and land. There are many advantages to building on a large scale; the price per kWh produced will naturally be lower and by being able to build larger plants we will also be able to switch to a greener electricity system more quickly.

Photovoltaic support extended until 2021

The government is also extending the solar cell subsidy for municipalities and companies, with SEK 260 million set aside for next year. The proposal also reduces the aid intensity from 20% to 10%.

On July 7 this year, the possibility to apply for the grant was closed, but it is still unclear when it will be possible to apply again. When we called the Swedish Energy Agency, they could only say that they had just read the press release and were waiting for more information.

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