New rules for state support for photovoltaics for farms, companies and housing associations.

From New Year 2021, new rules for state support for photovoltaics will enter into force. We have previously written about the new SolRot for individuals. The Government has now also decided on changes to the Ordinance (2009:689) on state aid for solar cells, which affects farms, companies and housing associations.

In the budget bill for 2021, the Government proposes that SEK 260 million be allocated for this purpose. At the same time, it has been decided that the aid intensity will be halved to 10% of the investment cost, effective from January 15, 2021.

The deadline for completion of the installations is changed to 30 September 2021 and the deadline for requesting payment is changed to no later than two months from the date of completion specified in the support decision.

According to estimates from the Swedish Energy Agency, the 2021 budget will be sufficient for about half of the companies currently in the queue for support.

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