Solar parks have no physical negative impact on people or the environment. They do not make noise, smell, release any chemicals or affect groundwater. In general, solar parks have a positive impact on animals and nature. Land previously used for agriculture often has high levels of nutrients in the soil, which can be negative for pollinators. A solar park gives the soil a chance to rest from spraying and fertilizing, which has a positive effect on biodiversity.
Together with SLU, we measure and analyze the development of plants and pollinating insects in a solar park to see how we can best contribute to increased diversity. Among other things, a specific seed mix has been developed to benefit pollinators, which in turn benefits birds, for example. However, fences (which are often needed for insurance purposes) can make it more difficult for larger game to move freely through the area, and to minimize this impact, passages are usually built at various points in the parks. This makes it easier for larger animals to pass through.

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